Taylor Marge
MSMF Candidate, 2013
There is a cold chill in the air and Christmas music can be heard all around. This means one thing, finals of course. As the semester comes to an end the Math Finance students are all busy preparing for finals and wishing the second year students good luck as they venture out into the working world. Although our professors keep us busy with assignments school isn’t the only thing on our mind. As the semester comes to a close the time to look for internships is upon us. This can seem like a daunting challenge but luckily we do not have to take it on alone. The Feld Career Center has been helping us all semester with our resumes, cover letters and focusing our internship search criteria. Now they are offering information sessions on how to research potential employers and search for companies in which we are interested. Boston University has many resources to help us in our search from databases with company information such as size, location and type of employment to feedback from alumni who have worked in the industry before. The resources offered at the School of Management are invaluable to us, especially since many of my classmates do not have full time work experience any information related to the company or the industry. The Feld Career Center in conjunction with the Pardee Library (The School of Management’s library) does a great job teaching us how to utilize all of these resources.
In addition to our hard work this semester we have also taken some time to enjoy ourselves. Most recently the MSMF program sponsored a holiday party for all of its students and professors. It was a wonderful opportunity to chat with classmates and professors in a relaxed setting. We were also joined by Dean Ken Freeman who wished the second year students luck as they begin their careers after graduating from the MSMF program. The holiday party was a much appreciated celebration after a hard semester of work. A special thanks to the Graduate Programs Office for organizing our holiday party.
Happy Holidays!
Taylor Marge is a first year Math Finance student with a background in engineering. He excels at summarizing articles for co-workers and remembering inconsequential information.