Over spring break, 30 Questrom MBA candidates devoted their time to helping entrepreneurs in Guatemala expand their businesses. The BU Global Venture Consulting (BUGVC) Club is a student-run organization that takes their spring break each year to devote their time and business skills to helping grow businesses in the developing world.
The trip is completely organized by students, which is no small task! This year, the trip began with two days in Antigua, getting a flavor for the Guatemalan culture. Five days were spent in Xela, Guatemala’s second largest city, where we did the bulk of our work. BUGVC partners with Thriive, a global non-profit that seeks to build prosperity in vulnerable global communities. Students worked in teams of three and four, attacking problems that ranged from operations improvement to marketing campaigns to expansion to new markets. The businesses included bakeries, commercial print shops, artisan crafts and local schools. After our presentations and recommendations to the clients, the trip ends with 2 days at Lake Atitlan for some a well-deserved rest and relaxation in a truly beautiful setting!
BUGVC gives MBA students a chance to put into practice the skills they’ve learned while making at true impact on a living, growing business. The club, just finishing its fourth trip, continues to be one of the most popular and sought-after experiences. Check out the BUGVC Facebook page or Thriive Guatemala’s Facebook page for more information and pictures from the trip!

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